Prefer not to dig a trench? An alternative landscape edging would be this nail in version Brittany installed.
I removed the dead tree, transplanted a hosta where that weedy mess was and added the black edging: The True Temper Total Control 6 cubic foot steel wheelbarrow provided the perfect temporary housing for the transplants while they were awaiting their new home and made the transplants super portable – I simply wheeled them over to their new home!Ī portion of the side yard needed some serious attention: a dead tree, tons of weeds and of course no edging.
In addition to installing the black edging I transplanted a few hosta and ferns I had saved when we removed the koi pond. By cutting a notch in the black edging you can still continue with the edging as if the tree root was never there: Keep going the entire edge of your plantings area until you come to a giant tree root! There was no removing this root so I had to work around it. Step 4: Fill in trench with soil from digging in Step 2: Step 3: Firmly place black edging down into trench, be sure only the top rolled edge is above the surface level. This shovel has a nice long handle which makes maneuvering it a dream and it goes into the earth with ease, even in flip flops! Step 2: Using your round point shovel starting digging a trench about 6″ deep, keep the dug up soil nearby because you will need it in Step 4. Even better if you can do this the day before and let the sun warm the plastic so it’s not so curly: Step 1: Unroll black plastic edging to make installation easier.
Plastic landscape edging installation full#
We just moved into a new home with tons of landscaping, it’s full and lush and mature AND lacks definition from the grassy yard.
Plastic landscape edging installation how to#
Today we are going to talk about how to install landscape bed black edging. Jaime here from That’s My Letter to share an easy project that will make your landscaping look clean and neat.